Revoltech: Tetsujin 28

Just recently I take some picture of my action figure. It's Revoltech's Tetsujin 28.

Tetsujin is a legend. Created by Mitsuteru Yokoyama in 1956, several TV adaptation has been made, including the US version called Gigantor. Tetsujin was also mentioned in Urasawa Naoki's 20th Century Boys, where the main character imitate tetsujin as his robot drawing in the year of 1960. Shows how Tetsujin gives much influence in the past as well as the present.At first, Tetsujin was build for military purpose. Things happen, didn't really goes according to plan, then Tetsujin ends up as a civillian robot. The number "28" shows that the construction of the robot has failed 27 times, and finally completed in its 28 attempt. It is remote-controlled, three stories high, and piloted by Shotaro Kaneda.
I really like the classic feel of Tetsujin! its rounded shape, memorable nose, jetpack, simple, clean, and looks strong at the same time! it's eyes show determination, warmness, and kindness. You can call it a robot with a stereotype protagonist style, or you can also call it having all aspect that a hero should have!
As for the action figure, it range from statues to gasaphon, from static figures to movable ones, from more then 30 cm to less than 7. I myself, choose the ones come from revoltech. It is equipped with some changeable Tetsujin's hand, alternative head (one with yelow eye and the other with red), jetpack flame, torn-up elbow, and a stand base. Very photogenic but the shape makes it imbalance and hard to pose. I really like this action figure, from the scale 1 to 10 i'll give Tetsujin a 9.5 (pardon my subjectivity of course :D)

for more pictures please visit my flickr

Beneran Pocong

Anggota Keluarga Besar Perpocongan Indonesia bertambah lagi!!!

Ya, The Real Pocong yang gentayangan sejak 5 Maret 2009 ini secara tidak langsung mengklaim bahwa pocong 2 dan 3 itu palsu semua!

Mungkin sambil mengikuti euforia pemilu 2009, pocong yang ini seolah-olah mengkampanyekan dirinya "heh, aku pocong yang asli lho! gak kaya' pocong-pocong yang lain! pilih saya sebagai caleg 2009 yaa!"

kok pada gak bosen-bosen ya bikin film beginian...

Revoltech: Kuro

Another Doko Demo Issyo
He is more of a "Black Toro"
This is a Limited Edition Figure by the way :D
I really enjoy taking pictures of Kuro.

He is somehow more photogenic than me...haha!