Solusi untuk Ponari

Berita tentang dukun cilik ini mungkin udah agak basi ya...

Sekedar untuk me-refresh ingatan kita semua, Ponari dipercaya dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit dengan cara mencelupkan batu ajaib ke dalam air.

Seperti yang dapat diliat pada gambar di bawah ini, Ponari sampai harus dipengangi tagannya oleh orang lain saking lemasnya. Wajar sih kalo ngeliat jumlah orang yang datang ke dia.

Padahal kalo memang mau efisien, Ponari tinggal nyari kolam renang terdekat, celupin batunya di kolam renang, trus orang disuruh antri buat ngambil air kolam renang itu. Pasien tinggal bayar Rp 6.000,- untuk biaya masuk ke kolam renang (masih jauh lebih murah daripada ke dokter), trus Ponari gak perlu capek-capek nyelupin batu tiap menit, cukup sehari sekali, dan itu bisa dilakukan sepulang sekolah! Dengan demikian calon pasien senang dan Ponari bisa melanjutkan proses untuk mencapai cita-citanya (yang saya yakin bukan untuk menjadi dukun).

gambar diambil dari sini

My First Gundam

I've finally finished building my first Gundam Kits!This is a High Grade(HG) 1/144 Gundam G-Savior -Space Mode-. Since I'm not a very big fan of the anime (yet), so I can't really describe the history of this Kit. I don't really need to see the anime to admit that this is one hell of a badass robot and I build it basically because I enjoy doing it.

Gundam Model Kits have two ways of execution, by painting (and sometimes customizing) it or no paint at all. It is one advantage of Gundam model kits. Since the Kit itself has already colored by Bandai (even though with a pretty lame colors), simply by assembling it then the Kit is ready for display.As for this one, I already taking it to next level (for my standards of course). It has been re-painted with an airbrush, apply some water-slide decals, and some lining with 0.05 marker tip. It was a pretty expensive and tiring process, but it really give this whole feeling of satisfaction!This Kit is given to me by my girlfriend:D it was about two years ago (if she did not do that then I assume that I will never like model-kits). At first, I was only doing the assembly without any paint. Time goes by, I need more challenge and my dad gives me an airbrush set. Since then, there's nothing that hold me from re-building it!

Even though it is still far from perfect, everyone can see that the builder is a complete rookie, this kit will be the one that I'll always remember.

Naruto Gabung PKS!??

Kampanye Caleg di Indonesia memeang meriah sekali! banyak yang biasa-biasa saja, dan sering kali ada yang ngawur juga. Tadi saya menemukan gambar ini saat browsing internet.
Boleh sih dibilang kreatif...tapi saya kok yakin kalo Bapak Drh. Nonot Suhartono memakai gambar Naruto tanpa seizin Masashi Kishimoto yah?? trus gambar naruto-nya kok lebih mendominasi dibanding foto calegnya:D

saya dapat gambarnya dari situs asing lho!

(Lagi-lagi) Aliran Sesat

Saya barusan ngeliat artikel disini

Akhir-akhir ini bikin aliran sesat makin banyak aja, entah baru ketauan ato emang baru dibikin. Mungkin jumlah aliran sesat di indonesia lebih banyak dibanding dengan kesuksesan pemerintah sekarang. Aliran-aliran tersebut juga menawarkan ajaran yang makin aneh dari hari ke hari. Tapi yang kepikiran ama saya itu kok ya ada aja orang yg masuk aliran begini yah?

Seandainya saya gabung ama aliran sesat seperti link diatas, keliatnnya saya gak bakal masuk surga...lha duit tabungan aja gak sampe 7 digit....


Revoltech: Toro

Toro is one of my favorite figure!
He comes from the Revoltech line-ups!
Revoltech is a figure line-up coming from Kaiyodo Company. The fun part of revoltech is the moveable joint that gives us a wide range of pose for the figure. They come with lots of accesories, not so expensive price, and tons of characters! I myself have a lot of revoltech in my collection, and still thinking of adding some more.

For this Revoltech, his name is Inoue Toro! He is from the Doko Demo Issyo (DDI) series of Revoltech. It took me awhile to find out that he is a game character. I don't play the game since it's only available in japanese. It's basically the figure itself that attract me to buy it.

There are three changeable faces for Toro (kinda reminds me of Nendoroids). Each face really captures the expression and emotion of Toro. There are no other accessories included (maybe it's due to the fact that Toro is the first character from DDI) but we can use the other character's accessories.

Menuju Negara Anarkis

Kemarin (3 Februari 2009) terjadi aksi demonstrasi tentang pembentukan Propinsi Tapanuli. Akan tapi yang menjadi highlight bukanlah penyampaian visi & misi para demonstran tersebut, melainkan tewasnya Ketua DPRD Sumut karena tindakan massa.

Anarkisme dalam pelaksanaan proses demokrasi kita memeang sudah bukan hal baru. Kurang lengkap rasanya kalo demonstrasi gak ada dorong-dorongan ama petugas, mbakar ban, lempar-lemparan batu, dsb. Inilah demokrasi ala indonesiaJadi ingat kuliah dosen sosiologi hukum saya dulu (kuliahnya baru selesai bulan yang lalu jadi masih inget:D). Beliau bilang kalo demokrasi, tirani, oligarki, dkk itu merupakan suatu siklus. Sebuah negara demokrasi bila lepas kendali akan berubah menjadi negara anarkis (mungkin kita lagi mengarah ke situ kali ya??), dan kalo udah anarkis, dibutuhkan seoraang Tiran untuk menstabilkan keadaan...

jadi kalo demonstrasi-demonstrasi 2 bulan kedepan selalu makan korban kaya' gini, besok pas pemilu pilihlah pemimpin yang Tiran....itu kalo orang bego ngambil kesimpulan:D

Tapi jika keadaan anarkis seperti ini terus berlangsung -atau memburuk-, kemunculan tirani sangatlah mungkin.

Machiavelli pernah berkata,
"Here a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is, of course, that it would be best to be both loved and feared. But since the two rarely come together, anyone compelled to choose will find greater security in being feared than in being loved.... Men are less concerned about offending someone they have cause to love than someone they have cause to fear."

Anarkisme menunjukkan tidak adanya rasa hormat dan saling mencintai, sehingga akhirnya hanya bisa dikontrol oleh rasa takut...

kok ini blog jadi serius ya?

berita tewasnya Ketua DPRD Sumut bisa diakses disini

The Wings of Redemption

This is my next attempt on taking pictures of my figures.
Still using the same camera, but now the background is my room's wall. I thought that a piece of paper would look too "clean" for this figures.

The model for this session is Spawn: Wings of Redemption II. It's a statue from Todd McFarlane Toys. Todd McFarlane is an artist who invent and sculpt this product.

Todd McFarlane does not only make Spawn Statues though , he also make Dragon (it's very cool I think), video game characters and movie characters figure. There are also statue of an athlete (damn, this guy is all over the place..).

But personally, I think that Spawn is the coolest line-up from McFarlane...and perhaps I'm not the only one who feel that way, because Spawn is the best seller among the other.

Spawn is a comic book character. The author is McFarlane himself -why am I not surprised-. Usually, McfFrlane releases two series in a year. This one in the picture is coming from the Spawn Classic Series.

Spawn Classic Series is the re-issue of the previous Spawn Statues. This one is The Wings of Redemption II aka. WOR II. the predecessor is of course, -except if you're bloody dumb in math- The Wings of Redemption.

It only takes about two years to make this figure becomes rare and expensive. Similar case happen to the WOR, which right now is very expensive and hard to find.

So, the next time there is a new release, get it before it gets rare...but make sure you got the money first...


racecar, rotor, level, civic, madam

See any similarity between those words?

These words can be read the same way in either direction. It's called Palindrome.
Not only words, but phrases, numbers, and unit could also be a palindrome.
for example: 12321, step on no pets, dammit i'm mad, etc.

Hey, there are indonesian palindromes too!
kasak, kusuk, kasur rusak, etc. (I think Indonesian Palindromes are harder to find...)

I don't really think that this is an important matter, but it's just that even the things which we considered as unimportant sometimes have a name (and a cool one too). So it means that there are people out there thinking that palindrome are something worth to think.

...right now i'm still thinking what are the other indonesian palindromes...

Nendoroid L

One of the things that I love to do is collecting figures.

I really think that this hobby comes in one package with photography, because I don't wanna end up acquiring figures today, and already forget about it in the next day...
So here is my first step on taking my hobby to the next level.

I start off with a very ordinary mini photo studio, perfect for the poor and amateur photographer wannabe. Using a Fujifilm Finepix E510, a large paper for a background, and a flashlight with tissue to soften the lightning...o, by the way, I use books instead of tripod, and use my hand to hold the light.

The result is Nendoroid L
Nendoroids are figure line-up from Good Smile Company. They specialize on making chibi form of anime/manga character. It Comes with three changeable faces and some accesories. Nendoroids are pretty expensive and rare sometimes, but the uniqueness and cuteness makes it hard to resist.As for this character, he is L. The main character of "Death Note". He is a genius detective, with the intuition that could make Detective Conan pee in his pants. the gloomy attitude, the way he sits on chair, or how he hold cell phones is something that the Death Note fans would always remember.