Revoltech: Suzuki

Now it's time for me to introduce the only robot in doko demo issyo line-up. Please meet: Suzuki.Since doko demo issyo is dominated by cute animals, Suzuki seems to a bit lonely and attractive at same time. If every story gotta have a villain, probably it's his role. I like to set him up as the bad guy, chasing around the others with huge drill in both hands.I don't really know the history of Suzuki, but it appears that he has some sort of musical about combining the rough and the soft side of him I guess...

For this Photo Session, I try out a new background color which is red mahogany, turns out to be a pretty nice one, but i still prefer the conventional black or white. The red mahogany background adds a touch of darkness feels towards the object. It fits for some figures, but I don't really know how it would look like in capturing cute figures (such as Spawn and Chucky:D)The square head of Suzuki can be turned in order to display different expression of him. It is far easier to change his face compare to the other Doko Demo Issyo that needs a snapping to cto do that (which sometimes is a pain in the armpit). The big square shape though, creates some difficulties to stand him up, it creates this unbalance proportion in him...but I have handled some revoltechs so it's not that much of a problem for me:D